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constant reiteration

Actually I don't even know why I feel all of this, why I feel this heaviness in my chest, like everything feels not right. The urge to just go beyond the thongs that is worse, it's worsening day by day. You know that's it's there in your head  the loudness in this silence. I know there's chances but I don't feel safe at all. I'm still trying, trying my best, and I know it's so stupid because I couldn't talk to anyone, like I was asking for the attention, like whatever I feel it's just another fool need attention.  I'm sorry that actually I try to reach everyone and yet I couldn't do that, I froze myself and the voices really loud in my head, I try to be there for anyone and yet I can't even hold myself, I lost my own grip to grasp the reality and stand where I standing. I lost everything, I just look at myself broken and shattered slowly, and I couldn't even do anything, what the fuck am I sad for? Like seriously I thought I'm...

long time

assalammualaikum .. hype ..

lme nye x naip2 nie ?? okay how are you bloggers ?? herrmm .. seem like I'm having hard mood .. tau kn mon dh msuk asrama .. tpy pnah x trpkir orng kt lua tu rindukn mon ..?? mon x rase mcm tu larhh .. cause .. mon skrang blaja mcm mne nk hdpi dugaan hidup yg sbnr .. sbnrny .. man rindu sngt kt school lme .. kwan2 lme .. tpy man ever thinking about it .. did they really miss me ?? or just from the mouth ?? not from the heart ?? and when I got back to the old school that mean that I'm fail at that school ??

seriously mon ckp bkn snng bile dpt kengkwan yg lbh hbat dri mon .. mon slalu jekk rasekn yg dri mon antra yg trendah dlm klas mon .. mon pownn pernah trpkir .. adkah mon dh mmbuatkn my parents disappointed on me ?? what I'm thinking yes .. I already make my parents went down with me .. sometime my friend help me in many ways .. and I feel that I'm not alone .. kengwan mon ready nk tlong mon .. cume mon yg lmah .. mon x skuat dlu .. mngkin mon prlukn bimbingan ..

mon brtrima kash kt kwan mon sbb snggup bantu mon .. wlaupun kkdng mon nie bengap .. mon nie lmbt upload .. hihi kkdng dieorang nie grang garkk .. ishh seriously .. they got very serious .. hihi  ,. but it's okay because they are my friend .. and wan ewan .. the only truly my friend .. hihi he always keep story telling with me .. seriously I'm realize that he got problem with bio .. and not like me .. there so many problem withh some subject .. but then I have to work hard to get what I want .. yeahh !! that's what I want .. let's see my motto ..>>

p/s : never look back ,, achieve your aim and KEEP MOVING FORWARD !!


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