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constant reiteration

Actually I don't even know why I feel all of this, why I feel this heaviness in my chest, like everything feels not right. The urge to just go beyond the thongs that is worse, it's worsening day by day. You know that's it's there in your head  the loudness in this silence. I know there's chances but I don't feel safe at all. I'm still trying, trying my best, and I know it's so stupid because I couldn't talk to anyone, like I was asking for the attention, like whatever I feel it's just another fool need attention.  I'm sorry that actually I try to reach everyone and yet I couldn't do that, I froze myself and the voices really loud in my head, I try to be there for anyone and yet I can't even hold myself, I lost my own grip to grasp the reality and stand where I standing. I lost everything, I just look at myself broken and shattered slowly, and I couldn't even do anything, what the fuck am I sad for? Like seriously I thought I'm...

Me Mood 2 ~~!!


eehhh npe ktawe niee ?? huhu .. x de pape .. nk cube hburkan hati tnpe prtlongan .. hihi .. amboi ayt .. menjiwai abis .. bkn peww .. yelah mon hnye abis kn hdup mon dngan bce novel .. novel mon dh abis .. huhu .. CINTA INI MILIK KITA .. ambooi tjuk menggoda .. hehe .. pepe pown bku 2 bru jewkk mon khatam ( amboii quran sush plak nk khatam ,, ehh ehh mon dh khatam larhh huhi ) ..n ok2 citer nye amat sdih .. kwan2 mon ckp citenye trgntung .. tpy mon amat pham sngt penghjungnye .. hihi ok2 .. mon amat menggilakan lagu Greyson Chance .. bkn mon suke ae .. hanye dngar lgu die jewkk .. like Justin Bieber .. mon x de lah suke sngt .. wwuueekk >.<  :p .. nyampah ... hheerrr remang blu roma .. huhu .. ok2 .. mon pown x tau .. hbis bce novel 2 .. mon jdik sdih .. nk kte mon gile pown x bole .. masih waras bole bezakn A dan B .. huhu .. ambooi menjiwai perasaan niee .. dh mule parah dh nie mon .. hikhik ..

ok3 .. bkn peww .. si kwan mon .. mon trlpas ckp mon nk 'calon' .. huhu .. ( amboooi nk psng sruh owng crik ) .. bkn peew mon dh pnat larhh .. pnat lyan hati mon .. pnat memjuk hati mon ,, supye jgn sdih3 .. mon pnat sngt .. tpy mon x pnah tnjuk .. nie mon bru luahkn .. lau ad yng bce .. hihi .. ok2 .. mon kekdng x sngke yng len brjye mengecapi kbhagiaan yng diingini .. dngan menghalalkn prhbungan melalui nikahh .. huhu .. syukur kpada sape yng brnikah .. huhu .. ok3 .. mon sdh tnguk video niii .. ---------------------------------


lau kepda sesape yng tnguk psti x cayeer .. cause the girls can fall-in-love with tae-ho  .. no wonder that some people don't want me .. kidding .. I can't think about myself that no want me .. huhu .. kidding .. I don't care .. do you care ?? this video make me realise that we can't choose someone based on the physical .. but within the heart of each others .. huhu .. ok3 ..I'm really grateful that I'm can be a good person with my friend .. even I can't get someone that can full fill my heart that always empty for waiting someone .. huhu .. what a romantic sentences .. ouwhh please mon don't say like that ok .. ( perasan jewkk ) .. huhu .. mon hope that I can search someone that will make me happy .. pray for me .. amin .. huhu ..

p/s : mon hope that I can smile even a bitter smile that can make you happy .. ^^, I'll try my best ..


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