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constant reiteration

Actually I don't even know why I feel all of this, why I feel this heaviness in my chest, like everything feels not right. The urge to just go beyond the thongs that is worse, it's worsening day by day. You know that's it's there in your head  the loudness in this silence. I know there's chances but I don't feel safe at all. I'm still trying, trying my best, and I know it's so stupid because I couldn't talk to anyone, like I was asking for the attention, like whatever I feel it's just another fool need attention.  I'm sorry that actually I try to reach everyone and yet I couldn't do that, I froze myself and the voices really loud in my head, I try to be there for anyone and yet I can't even hold myself, I lost my own grip to grasp the reality and stand where I standing. I lost everything, I just look at myself broken and shattered slowly, and I couldn't even do anything, what the fuck am I sad for? Like seriously I thought I'm...

Assalammualaikum .. hehe .. today story .. ~~

tpop celcom x de .. hhuueerrmm .. cm new nk mcj .. hehe .. ngade larh hotlink nie .. dh mhal blik .. dengki auww .. ok2 .. back from the top .. mon bkn pew .. nk mcj2 sush .. tpop bkn nye bnyk an .. ish3 .. mon x tau larh npe mon sdh didlm deep heart core .. feel sngt kekosongan .. bile mon tnguk blek cite Lve,Nora .. mon pown asew mon sngt kekosongan dlam hati .. 'awk kte x seberape awk .. kite hanya mampu berikan yng terbek shaja ntuk kebhagiaan didnia dan akhirat' itulah yng mon ingn ckp .. tpy mon asew mon bkn ntuk die .. wlaupun cinta itu trlalu jauh .. tpy Hilal Asyraf ad mengatakan ..

Walking down this path and it feels like insane,

That's the truth and this path full with pain,

But my love to You will never wither,

It will only get stronger and stronger.

mon pown ase yng mon nie msih memerlukan keimanan yng tguh .. kekuatan yng tguh .. bru lah mon crik yng sesuai .. mon akn cube lupekn .. jika hati mon x mampu .. x pew larh .. mon akn serahkn sumeny kpada Allah .. biarlah Allah tntukn yng trbek ntuk mon .. mon akn berusha mon akn cube wt yng terbek ntuk diri mon .. doa2kn larh ye .. 

p/s : mudh2an mon dpt wt yng terbek .. ^^,


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