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constant reiteration

Actually I don't even know why I feel all of this, why I feel this heaviness in my chest, like everything feels not right. The urge to just go beyond the thongs that is worse, it's worsening day by day. You know that's it's there in your head  the loudness in this silence. I know there's chances but I don't feel safe at all. I'm still trying, trying my best, and I know it's so stupid because I couldn't talk to anyone, like I was asking for the attention, like whatever I feel it's just another fool need attention.  I'm sorry that actually I try to reach everyone and yet I couldn't do that, I froze myself and the voices really loud in my head, I try to be there for anyone and yet I can't even hold myself, I lost my own grip to grasp the reality and stand where I standing. I lost everything, I just look at myself broken and shattered slowly, and I couldn't even do anything, what the fuck am I sad for? Like seriously I thought I'm...

Nape Rase Sedih Ini Hati ??~~


sedihnye ..
nape ?? what happen to the entry ?? ok3 .. mon rase yng mon nie dibenci .. cm kwan mon dh x nk kwan an mon agy .. mon sdh .. yelah mybe slah mon .. tpy mon x penah ras sepert nie .. tol kew mon ad wt slah ?>? mon asyik trtnye2 .. hhurrm .. mon rase mon hnye mampu buat owng sdh trhdap dri mon ,. bkn lgi senyuman tawa riang .. nape perlu rase sume ini .. krana mon rase mon bkn kwan yng baik .. bkn sesuai ntuk dbuat kwan lgi .. tpi selagi mon msih menjejak kn kaki .. selagi itu mon akn trsnyum palsu .. walaupun mon thu mon x disukai .. mon akn cube buat yng trbaik dngan mengembirakan kwan2 mon ..

mon x nk larh dlabel hipokrit .. mon x nk larh rase diri mon bgai patung bernyawa .. slagi mon terdaye mon akn cube ushakan  yng terbaik ntuk kwan2 ,.. mohon ampun dngan serendahnya .. ampun dan maaf dengan hati yng terbuka ..

p/s : mon x ingn pown dlabel musuh mhupun dlabel sbgai musuh dlam selimut .. jauh sekali nk tinggalkn kwan2 mon ..


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